Historical Posts
Decision Tree – Judgment in a Safe Condition

(Did you jump into the middle of this? Please start at the beginning of the decision tree.)
You arrived here because you died before reaching an age of accountability (see Adulthood).
Your body is dead, but your spirit is alive!
See how Jesus looks upon a child in Matthew 18:2-5. Because you died physically without knowing sin, you are pure and acceptable before God.
Now the decision is God’s, not yours.
When you face the judgement (Hebrews 9:27), you are pure and acceptable before God. He has only one answer:
- Heaven
It is comforting to know that children who have not had an opportunity to live a full life on earth die with the best result. However, you are still living and this does not apply to you. You are, after all, reading this and thinking about it.
Go back, make your decisions and face the consequences.
14 September, 2012
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