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Decision Tree – Begin

Decision Tree
A decision tree can help you visualize where the choice you make in like can lead. Don’t just drift and arrive at a destination you would not have chosen.
As we go through life, we face many decisions.
- Some decisions are inconsequential. – What will I eat today? – What will I wear to work?
- Other decisions are life changing. – What kind of work will I do? – Who will I marry?
- A few decisions change more than just the life we live here on this earth. These are the decisions we need to consider right now.
Do you think about the consequences of your decisions?
Are you willing to start from the beginning and look at these critical decisions together? Will you accept the implications of your answers?
Perhaps you can use this process to see consequences before they happen and change your answers.
If you are willing to spend some time in honest consideration, let’s start at the beginning… If not, that is your decision; we all have free will, but it could lead to a consequence you would rather avoid.