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FOF – Jesus Christ: The Way, The Truth, and The Life – audio
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Jesus Christ: The Way, The Truth, and The Life
1. John 14:1-6
2. It is the evening before the crucifixion, and Jesus still has so much to say to His disciples. Important things!
3. Part of His discourse to the disciples is recorded in John 13-16. He is going away, but He assures them that they know where He is going and that they know the way.
a. Thomas answered Him abruptly: “Lord, we do not know where You are going, and how can we know the way?”
b. Jesus said to Him in that amazing statement for the ages: “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me” (John 14:6).
4. Today we will investigate this amazing statement in view of appreciating its unequaled value to men and women in need of a Savior.
I. Let us observe some of the implications of the statement:
A. The words of Jesus imply that all people fit into two basic groups (John 3:16; Matt.25:31-46; Matt.13:36-43; Matt.7:13-14; Matt.25:1-13; John 5:28-29).
B. The words of Jesus mean that the way to God is absolute and singular (Matt.7:13-14; Acts 4:12).
C. The words of Jesus propose that we are out of touch with God, that we need to come to God, and that we can come to God (Heb.10:20).
II. One of the messages to be derived from the words of this text is the tragedy and ruin of life without Christ!
A. Why Jesus came.
1. There are many ways the Bible describes our wayward and sinful condition before God. Here’s the way Paul said it: Ephesians 2:12. Jesus said it this way: John 15:5.
2. Being without Christ is the worse thing in the world to happen to us because of who He is. He came to be our Lord, our Counselor, our Savior, our Shepherd, and our Friend. He wants to be all of these things to you.
3. Consider three points from Jesus’ description of Himself (as our bridge to God):
B. Because Jesus is the way, without Him we are lost!
1. A lost dog, a lost car, a lost ring, a lost billfold, a lost child, a lost cause – all of these things excite and alarm us because they all have to do with things that are valuable to us.
2. Jesus came into the world because – by Heaven’s valuation – we have lost the most valuable possession we have: our souls.
3. See Matthew 16:26. This question was asked by the One who came to save the soul. He asked it in order to make us think; to remind us of the value of the soul.
4. What is the soul? It is your essence as a human being (minus your physical body). You are a spiritual being with thoughts, and memory, and personality. And God has ordained you to live forever.
5. Nothing is more valuable than your soul, and Jesus is the way to find it!
C. Because Jesus is the truth, without Him we are in error!
1. Truth is that which corresponds to reality. Sadly, truth and reality have fallen on hard times. The very idea of truth is often rejected. Sometimes people say, “You have your truth, and I have my truth!”
2. And yet, even as we deny truth, we meet it everyday.
3. You need to know: Jesus was not a speculator in the world of think-so, uncertainty, or subjectivity. Based on the reality of God, the reality of sin, and the reality that God is going to judge the world in righteousness (Acts 17:31), Jesus came to bring us to God! We need to know this, and be sure of it, because it is true!
4. Jesus said: “And where I go you know, and the way you know” (John 14:4). Jesus was going to the Father. Can we go to the Father also? Yes…”and the way you know.” Thomas asked: “Lord…how can we know the way?” One of the things Jesus said in reply was: “I am…the truth…”
5. Here is what this means: Jesus Christ is the source and embodiment of all that we need to know to reach Heaven (John 8:32; Col.1:3-6; Rom.6:17-18; John 8:46; Gal.3:1).
6. This is one of the most important things you need to consider when it comes to understanding and accepting the truth about something: The process depends as much on the integrity of the listener as it does the veracity of the message!
7. Jesus Christ is the truth. He can save you from error and deception. But you have to “love the truth” (2 Thess.2:10). And that requires a sincere and noble heart.
D. Because Jesus is the life, without Him we are dead (John 1:4; John 10:10; John 11:25-26).
1. Before Jesus was our Savior, He was our Creator. As our Creator, He is our source of life (“in Him we live, and move, and have our being”; Acts 17:28).
2. Jesus is the only way to reach God! When a man or woman is baptized into Christ, there is an infusion of life (so that the soul is no longer dead to God; Rom.6:5).
3. In Jesus Christ, whatever we lack, one thing is certain: We will never be short of life!
4. Do you know what it means to be a Christian? It means new life (2 Cor.5:15).
5. Live or die, come what may, Jesus is our life. And because He is our life, we count not our lives dear to ourselves (Acts 20:24). Only in Jesus Christ is there power to overcome death (and we become more than conquerors; Rom.8:37)!
6. Jesus said (after calling us to commitment): “Whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.” (Matt.16:25)
1. Thomas a Kempis, commenting on John 14:6, wrote these immortal words in honor of Jesus: “I am the way, the truth, and the life. Without the way there is no going; without the truth there is no knowing; without the life there is no living.”
2. Our absolute and inescapable dependence on Jesus Christ is affirmed! Never forget what He said: “No one comes to the Father except through Me!”
3. It was a powerful thing to say. But you have power too! You have the power to obey Him or reject Him!
4. Some are angered by the exclusivity of His words (and want nothing to do with Him)! How much better, and wiser, to consider the possibility that He is, in fact, the only way to the Father!
5. It should be to our surprise and amazement that access to God has been graciously provided at all! Who are we to place God under our judgment and reject His grace?