Historical Posts
Have You Been Baptized?
I doubt that there is anything more clearly stated in the New Testament than the command to be baptized. John, the son of Zacharias and Elizabeth, commanded it. In fact, for nearly two thousand years, he has been identified as John the baptizer. Jesus, himself, was baptized. He sent his disciples out to preach and baptize (Matthew 28:19-20; Mark 16:15-16).
Every account of conversion in the book of Acts culminated in baptism.
Saul of Tarsus (the apostle Paul) was asked, “And now what are you waiting for? Get up, be baptized and wash your sins away, calling on his name” (Acts 22:16 NIV).
If there is one thing Christendom agrees on, it is the fact that water is the element used in baptism. However, that’s probably where the agreement stops. The religious world is divided on what action constitutes baptism.
- How much water is required?
- Must a person merely have some water poured or sprinkled upon him, or must he be completely immersed?
- Is it really essential to one’s eternal well-being?
Although perfectly acceptable, many “believers” would argue that it is not essential to salvation. Further, who exactly should be baptized? Are infants proper candidates for baptism?
Why is there so much disagreement regarding this matter?
Is the Bible really unclear on the issue? Quite frankly, the Bible could not be clearer. The confusion stems, not from any failure on the part of the inspired writers to communicate clearly, but from an unwillingness to accept what the Bible teaches.
From the Scriptures one can readily see what constituted baptism, who was to be baptized, and why they were baptized.
The confusion stems from a failure to accept what the Scriptures clearly teach.
Baptism was an immersion in water. A complete burial was involved. There is not one single account of infant baptism in the text. Not one! And, the purpose is clearly stated.
- Baptism was for the remission of sins (Acts 2:38)
- It washed away sins (Acts 22:16)
- It put one into Christ (Galatians 3:27)
- It saved (1 Peter 3:21)
What the Bible says about baptism is not confusing.
The confusion comes from trying to reconcile what the Scriptures say with what men say on the subject. That’s not possible because many “believers” do not believe what the Bible teaches on the subject.
Jesus said, “Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned” (Mark 16:16 NIV).
The devil says, “Whoever believes and is not baptized will be saved.”
Who are you going to listen to?
— Roger