Historical Posts
Headed Our Way
Legalize same-sex marriage?
If I’m not mistaken, nine states and the District of Colombia have now legalized same-sex marriage, and if the Ohio Freedom to Marry Coalition has its way, Ohio will be added to the list. An effort is currently underway to secure enough signatures to get the issue on the ballot in 2013. Then, if enough people can be persuaded to vote for the change, it will become law.
Proponents of same-sex marriage argue that this is a civil rights issue
In their judgment, religion should play no part in the matter. Further, they say that politics or personal views on morality are also irrelevant. They argue that all American citizens should be entitled to the same rights. Correct me if I am wrong, but don’t we all have the same rights already. Every man has the right to take a wife, and every woman has the right to take a husband. The fact that a small segment of our population wishes to demand an additional right to a union contrary to nature, is not a civil right but a moral matter.
Morality is not on the minds of many people
A sizable portion of the electorate, without giving serious consideration to what is at stake, will no doubt accept the civil rights argument. Sadly, morality is not upper most on the minds of many people. They reason, as long as it doesn’t affect them personally, who are they to tell someone else what they may or may not do? I can’t help but wonder at what point society will say “enough is enough!” Once same-sex marriage is embraced, the floodgates will open. The proponents of plural marriages will assert their civil right to multiple marriages. Others will assert their civil right to marry their cat. Another will claim it their civil right to marry a child. Yes, some will say that this is all nonsense, but advocates for these ideas are already out there.
Homosexuality is not a civil rights issue, but a moral issue
There is no homosexual gene. No one is compelled to engage in homosexual activity any more than they are compelled to engage in heterosexual activity. Adultery and fornication are just as sinful as homosexual activity. And, yes, homosexuality is clearly condemned in Scripture (Leviticus 18:22; 20:13; Romans 1:26-27; 1 Corinthians 6:9-10; 1 Timothy 1:8-10). I understand that the world places no value on the word of God, but surely Christians do!
God has spoken with clarity and force
Please understand, I have no animosity toward homosexuals or anyone else, but God has spoken with clarity and force regarding this issue. Homosexual conduct is sinful. No amount of human reasoning can change that. If asked to sign a petition or given the opportunity to vote on the matter, I would hope we would stand for what the Bible teaches, even though it is counter to modern culture.
— Roger
MAY 6, 2012