Historical Posts
I Hear a Voice
Perhaps you have heard of people claiming that they hear voices in their heads. They do not necessarily see anyone, but somebody somewhere tells them to do (or not to do) something. There was a time when Jesus called upon God to glorify His name. In response, a voice came from heaven and said, “I have both glorified it and will glorify it again (John 12:28).”
The people that were with Jesus heard it, but saw no one. Some thought it had thundered; others said, “An angel has spoken to Him.” To clarify the situation, Jesus replied: “This voice did not come because of Me, but for your sake (John 12:29-30).” God did not speak for Jesus’ benefit; He spoke for the benefit of the people, that they would believe He is the Son of God!
We hear the voice of God today, and it can benefit us! Paul told Timothy that “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God (2 Timothy 3:16)…” The voice of God should be in our minds and hearts, guiding us in the right way. By hearing and doing it, we can live forever with Him. Read your Bible and find out what the voice of God telling you.