Historical Posts
Headed Our Way
Legalize same-sex marriage?
If I’m not mistaken, nine states and the District of Colombia have now legalized same-sex marriage, and if the Ohio Freedom to Marry Coalition has its way, Ohio will be added to the list. An effort is currently underway to secure enough signatures to get the issue on the ballot in 2013. Then, if enough people can be persuaded to vote for the change, it will become law.
Proponents of same-sex marriage argue that this is a civil rights issue
In their judgment, religion should play no part in the matter. Further, they say that politics or personal views on morality are also irrelevant. They argue that all American citizens should be entitled to the same rights. Correct me if I am wrong, but don’t we all have the same rights already. Every man has the right to take a wife, and every woman has the right to take a husband. The fact that a small segment of our population wishes to demand an additional right to a union contrary to nature, is not a civil right but a moral matter.
Morality is not on the minds of many people
A sizable portion of the electorate, without giving serious consideration to what is at stake, will no doubt accept the civil rights argument. Sadly, morality is not upper most on the minds of many people. They reason, as long as it doesn’t affect them personally, who are they to tell someone else what they may or may not do? I can’t help but wonder at what point society will say “enough is enough!” Once same-sex marriage is embraced, the floodgates will open. The proponents of plural marriages will assert their civil right to multiple marriages. Others will assert their civil right to marry their cat. Another will claim it their civil right to marry a child. Yes, some will say that this is all nonsense, but advocates for these ideas are already out there.
Homosexuality is not a civil rights issue, but a moral issue
There is no homosexual gene. No one is compelled to engage in homosexual activity any more than they are compelled to engage in heterosexual activity. Adultery and fornication are just as sinful as homosexual activity. And, yes, homosexuality is clearly condemned in Scripture (Leviticus 18:22; 20:13; Romans 1:26-27; 1 Corinthians 6:9-10; 1 Timothy 1:8-10). I understand that the world places no value on the word of God, but surely Christians do!
God has spoken with clarity and force
Please understand, I have no animosity toward homosexuals or anyone else, but God has spoken with clarity and force regarding this issue. Homosexual conduct is sinful. No amount of human reasoning can change that. If asked to sign a petition or given the opportunity to vote on the matter, I would hope we would stand for what the Bible teaches, even though it is counter to modern culture.
— Roger
MAY 6, 2012
Threats of the Postmodern Culture
The sheltered environment of the past is no more
My heart goes out to the parents of young children. They face challenges I never anticipated a few years ago. Technology has made us instantly aware of events in the remotest corners of our world. Social media makes it possible to reach millions in milliseconds. Media that could be beneficial are often used in nefarious and malicious ways. They becomes avenues for bullying, gossip, character assassination, pornography, and the spread of misinformation. The sheltered environment of the past is no more!
Stars died so you can live?
What got me thinking about all of this was something I read about a former Disney star trying to shed her squeaky clean image. Miley Cyrus has been in the news a lot of late for behavior, dress, and statements completely out of character with her former image. She recently got herself in trouble with some of her fans for a tweet which included a photo of Lawrence Krauss, a theoretical physicist, and a quotation attributed to him: “You are all stardust. You couldn’t be here if stars hadn’t exploded, because the elements (carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, all the things that matter for evolution) weren’t created at the beginning of time. They were created in stars. So forget Jesus. Stars died so you can live.” Her tweet included the caption “Beautiful.”
Young minds are impacted in very negative ways
Ridiculing faith, advocating atheism, and defending evolution is becoming ever more popular with stars and starlets. It doesn’t matter that most of them know very little about such things. Their position gives them a platform to spout off their liberal leanings, and sadly impressionable young minds are impacted in very negative ways as a result.
Indoctrinating our kids at an earlier and earlier age
Entertainers, educators, judges, and politicians with a liberal and postmodern mindset also want to undermine the moral fabric of our nation with their anti-christian, pro-abortion, pro-homosexual, anti-marriage agenda. And, they are seeking to do this by indoctrinating our kids at an earlier and earlier age. Children raised in a Christian environment who believe that homosexuality is sinful are accused of hate speech and bullying for expressing their views. Judges arbitrarily set aside laws which restrict marriage to a man and a woman, and protect the life of the unborn. This is done with total disregard for the will of the people!
Faith is always under assault
Christians are subject to frequent ridicule. We are often labeled as uneducated, unenlightened, superstitious people out of step with the times. As Christians this shouldn’t surprise us. It is how the devil works. Faith is always under assault. We must prepare ourselves and our kids to meet those attacks head on. In the end, truth will always triumphant over error. We must bring our children up in the “discipline and instruction of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4), and prepare them to face this postmodern assault with an unswerving faith in God, Christ and the Bible.
Culture Wars
The devil is very real
He is determined to do anything and everything he can to make discipleship just as difficult as possible. He has always operated that way. First century Christians were misunderstood, maligned, and frequently mistreated, yet they held their ground, refused to compromise, and ultimately were triumphant. Will twenty-first century Christians fare as well?
Christian principles are at odds with modern culture
A war is raging against the institution of marriage. An effort is presently underway to redefine marriage. Some states have already legalized same sex marriages. Divorce has reached epidemic proportions. A hundred years ago divorce was almost unheard of, but because of the scope of the problem now, many are abandoning the teaching of Jesus on this subject (Matthew 19:1-12). Jesus is at odds with modern cultural practices, so what He said about marriage, divorce, and remarriage is undergoing change to meet cultural demands. This is the inevitable outcome of allowing culture to overrule Scripture.
Christian principles are at odds with modern sexual mores
Free love, casual or recreational sex, and “friends with benefits” all describe the loose attitude toward human sexuality which pervades modern society. In an effort to defend homosexuality culture now frames the discussion in terms of the civil rights movement and away from the moral precepts of the Bible where adultery, fornication and homosexuality are all declared to be sin (1 Corinthians 6:9-10). Many of the problems we presently face as a society can be directly tied to our failure to respect the sanctity of marriage and God’s laws governing sexuality. Christian principles are at odds with the modern perception of the sanctity of life. It has been said that the most dangerous place in the world for a baby is in its mother’s womb. Over three thousand abortions are performed each day in America. At the other end of the spectrum, the aged have just as much to fear. At what age is it no longer cost-effective to provide medical care? A society which has no regard for the unborn will easily transition to the same calloused approach to the elderly. To do so, however, one must again sacrifice Christian principles for cultural dictates (Ephesians 6:1-4).
Be Loyal to the Lord and the Truth
Loyalty to the Lord and truth still leads to Christians being misunderstood, maligned, and mistreated, but that is a small price to pay compared to the consequences of surrendering to culture. The demands of the Lord are clear (Romans 12:1, 2; 2 Corinthians 6:14-18). With faith in Him, may we stand shoulder to shoulder against all who would compromise truth to please people!