Historical Posts
What Went Wrong?
What went wrong with our nation?
The school tragedies in so many states have shocked and dismayed us. What would possess kids to do such terrible things? What went wrong? I don’t claim to have all the answers, but some things are obvious.
First, children are being fed a steady diet of violence on television and at the movies. Much of what they view is pure filth. The language is atrocious. Nudity and illicit sexual activity are common place. Violence has become more and more graphic. But, do I blame Hollywood for exposing our kids to this kind of garbage? No! What went wrong? I think the fault lies with parents who fail to adequately monitor their children’s activities, and especially what they watch on television.
Second, faith in God has been undermined by the teaching of godless evolution as fact. When kids are raised to believe that they evolved from lower life forms, it’s not surprising to see them act like animals.
Third, life in this country is cheap. How can kids who have been fed a steady diet of the pro-choice tripe, grow up with a profound respect for the sanctity of life? They do not!
Fourth, there is no sense of accountability. Rather than hold people accountable for their actions, we make excuses. What went wrong? People (including kids) are not responsible for bad choices. Instead, we blame the system. They are merely products of their environments. Government has let them down. The educational system has failed them. Poverty is to blame. They have a genetic flaw – it’s all because of faulty DNA. Until people are once again held accountable for their actions, there will be no incentive to make good choices.
Fifth, parents have neglected their parental duties. I suspect all the others are really by-products of parental failure. What went wrong? Where are the parents? For too many years, kids have been raising themselves. Parents are often so selfish and self-involved that they never think of the welfare of their own offspring. Marriages are crumbling. Homes are being destroyed. And, children are the ones who suffer most.
What this nation needs is not stricter gun laws, but more loving and caring parents (especially fathers) who are willing to take an active role in raising their children. Listen to the apostle Paul: “…fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4). God’s plan from the beginning involved the union of one man and one woman in the loving bonds of holy wedlock for life. Children were to be reared in the home formed by this union. When God’s plan is circumvented, disaster is inevitable! Only by returning to God’s plan for the family can we truly address what went wrong. Are you following His plan in your life?
Salvation: Hear - Believe - Repent - Confess - Be Baptized - Live Faithfully
Fact or Fiction?
Is evolution fact or fiction?
A response to an article in TIME (April 8, 1996) included the following: “Creationists would have us believe the ‘theory’ of evolution is questionable. In fact, evolution is as incontrovertible as the orbiting of the earth around the sun. A vast majority of educated people agree that evolution and heliocentrism are correct, although both contradict a literal interpretation of the Old Testament.”
A lot of people will read a statement like that and never question it, but I am not one of them. This article presents evolution as fact, but is evolution fact or fiction? The fact that a lot of educated people believe something in no way makes that thing right. Further, there is nothing in the Old Testament which would suggest that heliocentrism (the earth orbiting the sun) is incorrect. We speak of the sun rising every morning and setting every evening, but we are not denying heliocentrism when we use such expressions. The Bible is not a science book, but when it addresses scientific issues, it is remarkably accurate. Isaiah wrote of the rotundity of the earth long before Columbus sailed to the New World (Isaiah 40:22). Job eluded to gravity centuries before the concept because a scientific fact (Job 26:7).
Further, if evolution is an established fact, where is the proof? Fact or Fiction?
- There is no proof of evolution, only assertions!
- Is there any evidence that life came from non-life?
- Is there any evidence that monkeys became men?
Evolution literally means change. Within nature there is room for a lot of change. There are many different kinds of dogs. They come in all shapes and sizes. But, no dog every changed (evolved) into a cat. No fish every changed (evolved) into a bird. And, no monkey ever became a man. If they did, where is the proof? By that, I mean real evidence, not merely an artist’s conception!
It takes a whole lot more faith to believe in evolution than it does to believe in creation. The complexity and design in our universe demands a designer (Psalm 19:1-3;139:14). Our existence demands an explanation. “Every house is built by someone, but the builder of all things is God” (Hebrews 3:4).
Fact or fiction? Evolution is not a viable explanation for origin, a fact, no matter how many educated people argue to the contrary. It remains just an unproven theory, a fiction, with no evidence. “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth” (Genesis 1:1). That’s not fiction, but fact!