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2014 Campaign Reflection

Door Knocking Campaign Distributes Many Fliers
Wow! What an awesome week we have enjoyed together! A special thank you goes out to the campaigners from Wood Avenue Church of Christ in Florence, Alabama who joined us in the work. There were over 2,000 doors knocked on, and many fliers and Heart to Heart publications handed out in the area around the church building. Sonshine Family Camp was a great success, and the gospel meeting was well attended by both the hosting congregation and visitors in the area. Members of this congregation are to be commended for assisting with the planning and participation of the many areas of service.
Give Thanks for the Door Knocking Campaign Effort
“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).” No doubt Paul’s joyful words summarize how we all feel about the Wood Avenue mission trip that has just been completed. We rejoice with all of them in their diligent efforts to spread the gospel; we pray that much fruit will be produced, and we are very thankful to everyone who had a part.
After the Door Knocking Campaign Ends
Now that the door knocking campaign has come to an end and the Wood Avenue campaigners have returned to their home in Alabama, what are we going to do here at our home? We must continue the work with with vigor and zeal! There will be contacts to follow up with, and we must continue to spread the gospel throughout the world (Mark 16:15-16). Wood Avenue campaign workers will rejoice with us, pray for our efforts, and be thankful that they had the opportunity to come and work with us. If it is the Lord’s will, we may do something like this again in the future.
John 4:25-42 The Samaritan Woman’s Mission – audio
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Text: John 4:25-30, 39-42
We have a mission in this world: come to know Christ, and help others come to know Him!
There was one woman who did this very well. She is the Samaritan recorded in the gospel of John (John 4:25-30, 39-42).
I. Jesus revealed Himself to the Samaritan woman.
A. It was foretold that a Prophet would arise out of Israel (Deuteronomy 18:15), and she had earlier perceived that Jesus was a prophet (John 4:19).
B. Daniel prophesied of the Messiah (Daniel 9:24-27), and the Samaritan woman knew that He was coming (John 4:25). Even Andrew pointed out to Peter that he had found the Messiah (John 1:41). These all quickly learned that Jesus, in fact, was the Messiah and Christ.
II. She went and told others about Him.
A. Jesus commanded a man who was healed from demons to go and tell others what the Lord had done for him (Mark 5:19-20).
B. Jesus commanded John’s disciples to go and tell him what they had seen and heard (Luke 7:22-23).
C. The Samaritan woman went on her own and told others (John 4:28-30).
III. People came to learn about Jesus.
A. They were brought to Christ by the Samaritan woman (John 4:39-40).
B. Many believed because of Christ’s own words (John 4:41).
1. Christ’s words are with authority (Matthew 7:29; Mark 1:22; Luke 4:32).
2. The words Christ speaks are spirit and life (John 6:63,68).
3. His words are with us today (John 17:8; 2 Timothy 3:16-17; 1 Peter 1:23-25).
C. Many believed for themselves, and not to appease the Samaritan woman (John 4:42).
1. We must have our own faith (Romans 10:17; Hebrews 11:6).
2. We must all give account of ourselves to God (Romans 14:12; 1 Peter 4:5-6).
The Samaritan woman is a good example of leading others to Christ.
It is our duty to share the good news of Christ with others.
It is God’s duty to help the church grow (Acts 2:47; 1 Corinthians 3:6-7; Ephesians 4:16; Colossians 2:19).
The Challenge of Evangelism
- The church faces many challenges. There is the challenge of restoring New Testament Christianity in a religiously pluralistic society – John 14:6. There is the challenge of making our homes what God wants them to be – Psalm 127:1. There is the challenge to remain holy – 1 Peter 15-16. But the supreme challenge we have as Christians is to take Jesus Christ to the world – Mark 16:15-16.
- To meet the challenge of evangelism every Christian must be serious about doing their part to assure everybody hears the message of the gospel of Jesus Christ. We must have the zeal to teach the world the Word of God as the first century church did – Acts 19:8-10; Acts 8:3-4.
- If you had a medical emergency, your loved ones would feel a great urgency to get medical attention immediately to help. The world today has a great spiritual emergency and needs Christians to respond to keep them from spiritual death through the message of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
All Accountable Men and Women are Lost and Need Forgiveness
- Christians must see the urgency and the need to save lost souls that are dying everyday. Every soul that has transgressed God’s commandment is lost and separated from God – Isaiah 59:1-2. And anyone separated from God needs forgiveness – Romans 3:23; 6:23. Your soul and everyone else’s soul is valuable and worth all the effort to save!
- At the Day of Judgment, all accountable men & women that do not know God or have not obeyed the gospel of Christ will be eternally punished night & day forever – 2 Thessalonians 1:-7-9. In 2 Peter 3:9, you learn that God does not want us to perish, but wants all to come to repentance. Which should encourage each of us to reach out to lost soul and plant the seed of the Word of God that they might obey Jesus to be saved?
- If you are not committed to the teaching and preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and feel you are not accountable to do your part to teach Christ to the lost, it is not likely you will be evangelistic. May we all have the spirit of the Apostle Paul, “…woe is me if I do not preach the gospel!”– 1 Corinthians 9:16
God Has Only One Plan of Redemption to Save Man
- God has a plan for the redemption of man; God has one plan, one way, and one church to save men & women from their sins – Matthew 7:13-14. That one way is Jesus Christ, and His church that was purchased with His own blood – John 14:6. Salvation is only in Jesus Christ and not through other men or churches – Acts 4:12.
- It is important for all the world to know the truth because error and false doctrine fills the world, and the only thing that can liberated those in the bondage of sin is the truth – John 8:31-32. Did you know many people’s worship to God is in vain because they do not have a proper relationship with God and they’re practicing false doctrines of men – Matthew 15:8-9.
- If you have neglected your Christian responsibility of teach the Word of God, why not come today and rededicate yourself to His service – James 5:19-20. If you’re lost, Christ died for yours sins, and God raised Him from the Dead. Why not come today.