Historical Posts
Few Versus Many – Luke 13:23-28
In Luke 13:23, An individual asks Jesus if there are few who can be saved. The disciples asked a similar question in Matthew 19:25, wondering who could be saved. Here the question is ‘how many?,’ rather than ‘which ones?’
Many Will Attempt to Enter Heaven
Jesus says in Luke 13:24 that there are many who will attempt to enter, and cannot. We must not be with the many. Instead we must strive to go in the narrow gate.
A similar passage is Matthew 7:13-14, where Jesus compares the wide gate and broad way that leads to destruction wherein many enter, with the narrow gate and difficult way which few find. The wise man says “there is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death” (Proverbs 14:12).
But Are Not Known by Jesus
In Luke 13:25 Jesus says that some will be on the outside looking in, and will say “Lord, Lord, open for us.” Instead of being admitted, they will not be known.
Jesus rebuked those that said “Lord, Lord” but did not do what He said (Luke 6:46). Again in Matthew 7:21-23, Jesus says that not everyone that says “Lord, Lord” will enter the kingdom of heaven, but those that do His Father’s will.
We Must Truly Be His
People will claim to do things in the name of Christ in Luke 13:26, but have they? After all, Paul commands us to do all in His name (Colossians 3:17). He also warned Timothy and Titus to beware of false teachers, and that many would be led astray by them. John said not to believe every spirit, but to test each one to see if they are of God (1 John 4:1ff.).
The False Will Be Lost
Jesus confirms they are false in Luke 13:27, telling them to depart for He never knew them and they work iniquity (see Matthew 7:21-23 above, and Matthew 25:41-46).
In Luke 13:28, Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and all prophets are in the kingdom of God, but some will be thrust out.
We don’t want to be on the outside looking in! On the outside there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth; rather, we should be on the inside. Remember, “many are called, but few will be chosen” (Matthew 20:16).