Historical Posts
The Growth of Samuel
Samuel grew in stature and favor…
Hannah grieved and was bereft and wept because she had no children. She was barren. She had no children because the LORD had closed her womb (1 Samuel 1:2, 5). In tears she prayed to the LORD and promised that if she would receive a son, she would give him back. He answered her prayer, and Samuel was born.
When he had grown from a baby and been weaned, Hannah took him to the house of the LORD in Shiloh. He stayed there with Eli, and ministered there faithfully. There, with Eli, he grew “in stature, and in favor both with the LORD and men (1 Samuel 2:26).”
Does this sound familiar? Compare the growth of Samuel with the growth of Jesus. Jesus “increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men (Luke 2:52).” Samuel grew three ways similar to Jesus.
As Samuel got older, he grew taller. The LORD would speak to him directly on several occasions. He “judged Israel all the days of his life (1 Samuel 7:15).” Later, he would later appoint the first two kings of Israel. Yes, Samuel grew a lot like Christ and had a great influence on many children of Israel.
In like manner, God expects us to grow. “As newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the word, that you may grow thereby” (1 Peter 2:2).
What about you? Are you growing like Christ and having a good influence on others? Are you able to lead them to the salvation offered through the sacrifice of Christ? You can’t lead where you have not gone. Have you accepted that salvation yourself?