Historical Posts
The High Cost of the Low Life
“Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people” (Proverbs 14:34)
The high cost of sin is evident all around us
There is hardly a family that has remained untouched by the stigma of divorce. Modern sexual immorality will lead to the birth of thousands of illegitimate babies this year, while a million others will be murdered by abortion. Venereal disease is rampant, and homosexuality is not only tolerated, but even advocated by some as an acceptable lifestyle. Alcoholism is a real problem for millions of Americans of all ages. Drug abuse is a national disgrace. Crime statistics are ever climbing. The “good life” for many is really the “low life,” and the low life always has a high cost. The “wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23).
We can not play with sin
We are only kidding ourselves when we think we can play with sin and not suffer its consequences. A long time ago Moses warned the Israelites, “Be sure your sin will find you out” (Numbers 32:23). The low life always has a high price, though we may not realize it at the time. Tragically, the cost for some becomes intolerable (Matthew 27:3-5). No one can escape the consequences of low living for ever. A day of reckoning will come (2 Corinthians 5:10-11). Jesus offers an alternative to the low life. He offers His disciples the “abundant life” (John 10:10). Let’s dispel the myth once and for all that one can’t be a Christian and enjoy life too. Actually, you can’t really enjoy life and live it to its fullest apart from Christ. True, as a Christian we have to turn our backs on the momentary pleasure of sin (Hebrews 11:24-25), but we’re also turning our backs on the wretched consequences of sin as well. And, the consequences are always greater than the fleeting moments of pleasure sin offers! We can escape the high cost of the low life, but only by living by the Lord’s standards and not our own.
What ails us individually and as a nation is SIN.
Jesus Christ provides the only remedy.
It is our job as the church to model discipleship every day by a good example, and to proclaim the good news of Jesus everywhere we go. The world needs to see and hear the transforming power of Jesus in the lives of genuine disciples.