Historical Posts
What Are You Looking For?
What are you looking for in a church?
It is not at all uncommon to hear someone speak of “church shopping.” By that, they mean that they are looking for a church which satisfies their needs, fulfills their desires, and provides what they want. Usually, but not always, they are looking for an entertaining worship experience, an active program providing day care, organized activities for the kids, and some social opportunities for themselves. All of which are well and good in a fraternal or social club, but is that really what the church is all about? What are you looking for that is meaningful?
The value of the worship experience is not determined by how it makes us feel, but how it pleases God. Worship is unacceptable when it offers people what they want, but does not give to God what He demands. Jesus condemned those who drew near to God with their lips while their hearts were far from Him. Their worship was vain because they taught as doctrine the commandments of men (Matthew 15:9). That kind of worship is more interested in what people want than what God has commanded. It is unacceptable, no matter how good it may make a person feel or match what they were looking for.
The attitude among many churches today is a reflection of attitudes in the political arena. Politicians are notorious for taking polls to determine positions. Sime preachers are often no different. Find out what the people want and give it to them. After all, the name of the game is seeing who can have the largest attendance, the biggest budget, attract the masses. Didn’t Paul have something to say about all of that? Seems to me he did (2 Timothy 4:1-5).
Think more about what you should be looking for. Acceptable worship must be directed toward the right object (GOD), done in the right spirit, and governed by God’s word (John 4:24). Personal preferences are irrelevant when it comes to determining what should or should not be done in worship. Ours is not a search for the church of our choice, but for the church of Christ’s choice. He has clearly spelled out in His word what the church is to be, how the church is to worship, and how Christians are to live. Those decisions have all been made for us. We must decide whether or not we will listen to Him and be looking for the things that matter to Him.
If you are looking for a church intent on pleasing God, not men, we would like to hear from you.