Historical Posts
James 04:01-12 How to End Wars – audio
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Text: James 4:1-12
1. Have you ever heard of:
b. The War of the Oaken Bucket?
d. These were actual wars fought between nations, and you can read about them in many history books
2. War is too often a fact of life in spite of treaties, world peace organizations, and even the threat of nuclear weapons
a. Not only wars between nations
b. But there are wars of one kind or another on almost every level of life – even gas wars between gas stations!
3. In our text, we find James discussing this important theme of War
a. He describes three types of wars going on in the world
b. He also tells how these wars can be stopped
I. WAR WITH EACH OTHER – James 4:1, 11-12
1. Surely brethren ought to live together in love and harmony – Psalms 133:1
2. Yet often they do not
a. Lot quarreled with Abraham
b. Absalom created a war with his father David
c. The disciples of Jesus argued over who would be greatest
d. Paul and Barnabas had great contention over John Mark
3. Even churches in the New Testament often had problems
a. At Corinth
1) Brethren were suing each other
2) They were competing in the public assemblies
b. In Galatia – brethren were biting and devouring one another
c. Even at Philippi – two women were having trouble getting along with each other
1. Class wars – James 2:1-9
2. Economic wars – James 5:1-6
3. Church fights – James 1:19-20; 3:13-18
4. Personal wars
a. Notice James 4:11-12
b. Where we are admonished not to speak evil of one another, nor to judge one another
1. It is the war in the heart that causes the wars in the church and elsewhere!
2. Our desire for things to satisfy our pleasures (Like power, possessions, etc.) is what makes us fight with others
3. Putting it simply, the key problem is SELFISHNESS
1. Wrong Actions – James 4:2
a. you murder and covet…you fight and war
b. Perhaps not literally, but certainly so in God’s sight – 1John 3:15
2. Wrong Praying -James 4:3
a. The kind of praying that goes unanswered
b. Because the prayers are for selfish motives
III. WAR WITH GOD – James 4:4-10
1. Rebellion against God!
2. In some way:
a. …those at war with others…
b. …are also at war within themselves…
c. …because they are first at war with God!
1. By being friendly with God’s enemies!
2. James mentions three enemies we must not be friends with if we want to be at peace with God:
a. The World – James 4:4
1) That is, human society that is contrary to God
a) Any conduct, belief, thought…
b) …which is anti-God, anti-Christ
2) To be a friend of such…
a) Makes one an enemy of God!
b) Makes one a spiritual adulterer or adulteress!
b. The Flesh – James 4:1,5
1) The unlawful desires that would lead us away from God
2) These desires wage war within us, but we must not give in to them – 1Peter 2:11
3) Such desires are in direct conflict to what the Spirit of God would have us to be and do – James 4:5; Galatians 5:16-26
4) To submit to these unlawful desires (Works) of the flesh sets one contrary to God and His Spirit!
c. The Devil – James 4:6-7
1) Pride is Satan’s greatest temptation
2) When we give into pride, we become friends of the devil and enemies of God – James 4:6
1. Submit To God – James 4:7
a. Literally, get into your proper rank
b. When a buck private acts like the general, there is going to be trouble!
c. Unconditional surrender to God is the only way to victory!
d. Submission is saying: Not my will, but Thine be done
2. Resist The Devil – James 4:7
a. He is behind every war that we have
b. But if we just resist, then he will flee!
3. Draw Near To God – James 4:8
a. And He will draw near to us!
b. How do we do this?
1) Cleanse your hands – Get your sins forgiven!
2) Purify your hearts – Be single-minded in your devotion to God! (Not double-minded, like a spiritual adulterer)
4. Humble Yourselves In The Sight Of God – James 4:9-10
a. It’s possible to submit outwardly and not be humble inwardly
b. True mourning for our sins is how we can humble ourselves before God – James 4:9
c. The end result of such humility? God will lift you up – James 4:10
1. If we obey these four instructions, then God will draw near to us, cleanse us, and forgive us!
a. For we will not be at war with God
b. So we will not be at war within ourselves
c. And we will not be at war with others!
3. As Solomon wrote in the Book of Proverbs: When a man’s ways please the LORD, he makes even his enemies to be at peace with him. – Proverbs 16:7
4. Are we making sure our ways are pleasing to the Lord?
Christian “4-H” – powerpoint – audio
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Head – Christianity is a Religion of the Mind – God Expects Us to Think Clearly
- Isaiah 1:18
- Acts 18:28
- Matthew 11:3-5
- 1 Peter 3:15
- Acts 17:11
- 1 Thessalonians 5:21
- John 20:30-31
- 2 Peter 2:20
Heart – Christianity is a Religion of the Heart – God Wants Us to Connect Emotionally
- 2 Corinthians 5:14-15
- John 3:16
- 1 John 4:19
- Romans 6:17
- John 4:24
Hands – Christianity is a Religion of the Service – God Wants Us to Work Actively
- James 1:27
- Galatians 5:13
- Mark 10:43-45
- Matthew 25:34-40
Health – Christianity is a Religion of the Balance – To be a Healthy Christian, One Must Have Balance
- 1 Corinthians 8:1
- James 2:19-20
- 1 Corinthians 13:2
- 1 John 3:18
- John 14:15
- 1 Corinthians 13:3
- Colossians 3:17
- Matthew 7:21-23
- Romans 10:1-3
Delivered on: September 23, 2012. Streetsboro.
Requirements for Baptism – audio
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1. One of the Devil’s greatest tools is misinformation.
2. After all, he is the Father of lies – John 8:44
3. If he can convince people that they are saved when they really are not, then he has won.
4. One way that he accomplishes this is by “muddying” the waters in regard to baptism.
5. Today, let us notice some of the requirements for Scriptural baptism.
6. Before we get started, let me say that I have no one in mind in delivering this lesson.
7. Looking back at my life, I wish I had heard a sermon like this.
A. Mark 16:15-16 – And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned.”
1. Jesus puts belief on an equal footing with baptism.
2. That which we are to believe is the gospel.
3. The gospel is the story of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus – Romans 15:1-4
B. How does the devil use this to lead people astray?
1. Put simply, many are baptized who are not capable of believing.
2. We are talking about infant baptism.
3. These children grow up hearing about the necessity of baptism and feel that they are ok.
4. Without belief, baptism is meaningless.
C. Nowhere in the Scriptures do we have an example of infant baptism.
1. No infants are mentioned in Lydia’s household – Acts 16:15
2. No infants in the jailer’s house were baptized – Acts 16:33-34
A. Acts 2:38 – Then Peter said to them, “Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
1. Speaking to people who had come to believe the gospel, Peter told them that they needed to repent and be baptized.
2. Peter puts repentance on an equal footing with baptism.
B. But what is repentance?
1. It is a change of behavior based upon a change of heart – 2 Corinthians 7:10
2. A wonderful example of repentance is given in Matthew 21:28-31.
C. Baptism without repentance does us no good.
1. There must be a mental decision on a person’s part to turn and serve God.
2. Granted… a new Christian does not know everything there is to know when he or she is baptized.
3. There are often things they are doing that they don’t even realize are sin.
4. But when God’s word convicts them of a sin in their life, they have already made the mental decision to turn from it.
A. Acts 19:1-5
And it happened, while Apollos was at Corinth, that Paul, having passed through the upper regions, came to Ephesus. And finding some disciples he said to them, “Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?” So they said to him, “We have not so much as heard whether there is a Holy Spirit.” And he said to them, “Into what then were you baptized?” So they said, “Into John’s baptism.” Then Paul said, “John indeed baptized with a baptism of repentance, saying to the people that they should believe on Him who would come after him, that is, on Christ Jesus.” When they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. – Acts 19:1-5
1. These individuals had been baptized.
2. Yet for some reason, they felt compelled to be immersed again.
3. What was that reason?
4. They had been taught incorrectly.
a) They had been taught by Apollos who knew only the baptism of John when he had passed through that area.
b) He had (At that point) not heard of Christ’s baptism.
B. How does the devil use this tool today?
1. Many, many people have been baptized but have been taught incorrectly.
2. I was brought up in the Church of Christ in Christian Union.
a) I was taught that baptism was an outward sign of an inward grace.
b) I was taught that baptism was simply a means of showing the world that I was already a Christian.
3. The Baptist church teaches that one is saved and then baptized to become a member of the Baptist church.
a) “Baptism is not essential to salvation for our churches utterly repudiate the dogma of baptismal regeneration”; but it is essential to obedience, since Christ commanded it. It is also essential to membership in the church which is his body” – Standard Manual for Baptist Churches. Pg.21.
b) Hence, it is easier to get to heaven than it is to get into the Baptist church.
c) Many Baptists don’t even realize that this is what their church teaches.
d) Yet many of these same Baptists convince their selves that (Despite being a member of a church that teaches otherwise) they were baptized for the right reason.
C. You cannot be taught incorrectly about baptism and be baptized correctly.
A. Some Greek Definitions.
1. Baptidzo.
a) Thayer: To dip repeatedly, to immerse, to submerge.
b) Vines: Consisting of the process of immersion. To dip. Was used among the Greeks to signify the dyeing of a garment, or the drawing of water by dipping a vessel into another, etc.
c) Therefore, we see that baptism is an immersion.
d) The New Testament describes it as a burial.
(1) Colossians 2:12 – Buried with Him in baptism, in which you also were raised with Him through faith in the working of God, who raised Him from the dead.
(2) Romans 6:4 – Therefore we were buried with Him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.
2. Sprinkling is not baptism.
a) Greek as a word that means sprinkle.
b) Rhantizo : to sprinkle.
c) Hebrews 9:19-21 – For when Moses had spoken every precept to all the people according to the law, he took the blood of calves and goats, with water, scarlet wool, and hyssop, and sprinkled both the book itself and all the people, saying, “This is the blood of the covenant which God has commanded you.” Then likewise he sprinkled with blood both the tabernacle and all the vessels of the ministry.
d) If God wanted us to be sprinkled, He could have used this word.
3. Pouring is not baptism.
a) Greek has a word that means to pour.
b) Eckchuno : To pour forth.
c) Acts 2:17 – And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, That I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, Your young men shall see visions, Your old men shall dream dreams.
d) If God wanted us to have water poured over our heads, He could have used this word.
4. Sprinkling and pouring were not the original modes of New Testament baptism.
a) The first instance of its use was in 251 A.D.
b) A sick man by the name of Novatian who feared dying unbaptized had his friends lay bed sheets all around him and they poured water all over him in a attempt to baptize him.
c) This came to be called clinical baptism.
d) In 753 A.D., pope Stephen II legislated that in “cases of necessity” pouring water on the head was acceptable.
e) In 1311, a council of bishops meeting in Ravenna, Italy voted that either sprinkling or immersion was acceptable.
B. Someone who has been sprinkled on or poured on has NOT been baptized.
1. Yet, so many religious groups allow or even force people to forego immersion in favor of sprinkling or pouring.
2. These people will often tell you that they have been baptized when, indeed, they have not.
3. Once again, the Devil convinces them they are saved when they are not.
1. Have you met the above requirements?
2. Have you been SCRIPTURALLY baptized?
3. If not (Or if you are not sure)… don’t gamble with your soul.
4. Contact Us for assistance – Do it right and KNOW that you are saved.
Delivered on: August 5, 2012. Streetsboro.
Daniel 1:4 Daniel, A Man Ready for Life’s Challenges – audio
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Text: Daniel 1:4
A. Daniel
1. Daniel was taken into captivity (1st group) – 606 BC.
2. Was a young man (Perhaps 18-20 years old).
3. Lived in Babylon for duration of the captivity.
B. Daniel’s Test As A Captive.
1. Daniel and Friends Selected For Special Training – Daniel 1:1-7
2. Daniel Refuses To Defile Himself – Daniel 1:8-16
3. God Rewards His Faithful Servants – Daniel 1:17-21
C. One can survive and thrive! One can live godly in an ungodly environment. Daniel was a Man ready for life’s challenges. He was ready because of his commitment to God!
A. A Young Man Who Remembered His Creator – Ecclesiastes 12:1
1. Like Joseph before him – Genesis 39
2. Like Timothy after him – 2 Timothy 1:5; 3:15
B. A Young Man Who Stood By His Godly Convictions – Daniel 1:8-16
1. Did not leave God when left home
2. Did not try to blend in with Babylonian lifestyle – Romans 12:1-2
C. A Young Man With A Decided Advantage Over Late Starters
1. Fewer wasted years to regret
2. More time to develop spiritual strength
A. Reflected in All of His Outward Conduct – Proverbs 4:23-27; 23:7
1. Deeper motive than to merely impress other young men
2. Deeper motive than to merely show defiance to captors
B. Reflected by Being Unmoved by Pomp and Power of Royal Palace
1. Never compromised for temporary advantage or ease
2. Always aware of a Greater Presence – Daniel 2:28
C. Reflected by Accepting Risks of Not Conforming
1. Risked special treatment that select group had
2. Risked life (Life was cheap to Pagan kings)
A. As an Old Man (About 90) Still Faithful & Strong
1. Years of struggle had not worn him down
2. Years of service prepared him for lion’s den – Daniel 1:6
3. Test off the Lion’s Den – Daniel 6
a. Jealousy of the wise men and the decree of Darius – Daniel 6:1-9
b. Daniel gave thanks before his God – Daniel 6:10-15
c. Daniel is delivered from the mouth of the lions – Daniel 6:16-24
d. The decree of Darius praises the living God – Daniel 6:25-28
B. As an Old Man He Could Look Back Over a Life of Spiritual Growth
1. By the time needed to refuse king’s food – had the character needed.
2. By the time needed to interpret Neb. Dream – had the wisdom needed
3. By the time needed to interpret handwriting on wall – had gained the Reputation needed – Daniel 5:10-12
4. By the time needed to face the lion’s den – had the fortitude needed
5. By the time needed to help deliver the Jews (During Cyrus reign) – had the influence needed
A. Daniel: A Man Ready For Life’s Challenges
1. Daniel’s Commitment Was Early
2. Daniel’s Commitment Was Complete
3. Daniel’s Commitment Was Lasting
B. Are you ready for life’s challenges?
James 03:13-18 Wisdom: Heavenly vs. Earthly – audio
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Text: James 3:13-18
1. In the book of Proverbs, we are encouraged to seek after wisdom – Proverbs 3:13-18; 4:7-9
2. Likewise, in the New Testament we are exhorted to walk with wisdom – Ephesians 5:15-17
3. But in James 3:13-18, we learn that there is more than just one kind of wisdom
4. In this lesson, we will take a look at what James describes as two different kinds of wisdom: heavenly wisdom vs. earthly wisdom
1. It is EARTHLY
a. It is worldly
b. Wisdom that is according to the world’s standards
c. But this wisdom is foolishness to God – 1 Corinthians 1:20
2. It is SENSUAL
a. Appealing to the senses, the emotions, the passions
b. Wisdom according to what FEELS right (But that doesn’t make it right)
3. It is DEMONIC
a. The kind of wisdom possessed by the devil and his angels
b. A wisdom that often finds its origin in the influences of Satan!
1. It Comes from GOD – James 3:17
2. It Comes via PRAYER – James 1:5-8
1. Full of BITTER ENVY
3. This wisdom extols as virtues such qualities as:
a. Power
b. Position
c. Privilege
d. Prestige
4. It was this kind of wisdom
a. That prompted Satan and his angels to rebel against God
b. That prompted the disciples to argue over who would be the greatest in the kingdom
1. It is first PURE – James 3:17
a. Above all else, it is true to God’s Will
b. Not one to compromise truth for the sake of peace
2. Then it is PEACEABLE
a. Holding firm to the truth, it makes every effort to be at peace – Romans 12:18
b. For example, speaking the truth in an attitude of love – Ephesians 4:15
a. That is, kind in one’s dealings with others
b. Not harsh, even when right and dealing with those who differ – 2 Timothy 2:24-25
a. Not in matters of truth
b. But in matters of opinion – Romans 14:1
c. In matters of liberty – Romans 14:19-21
a. Quick to forgive the offenses of others
b. Wisely understanding one’s own need of mercy – James 2:13
6. Producing GOOD FRUITS
a. Notice James 3:13, where it says we are to show by our conduct our true wisdom and understanding
b. This wisdom takes one beyond being a HEARER to being a DOER – James 1:22
c. Understanding that faith without works is dead – James 2:26
a. Showing no respect of persons – James 2:1-13
b. Rather, treating all fairly, on the same basis
a. Indicating that all of the above is not an act, a show
b. But that it comes from a heart desiring to please God, not man
3. Makes you wonder what kind of wisdom
a. Is behind denominationalism
b. Is often manifested in politics
1. Produces PEACE, instead of confusion
2. Bears the fruit of RIGHTEOUSNESS, instead of every evil thing
1. Certainly when we compare their ORIGIN, NATURE and FRUITS, the wisdom to be preferred is HEAVENLY WISDOM
2. What kind of wisdom do we have?
a. Those who have EARTHLY WISDOM boast of theirs
b. While those who have HEAVENLY WISDOM show theirs by their good conduct done in meekness
3. What kind of wisdom do we want?
a. If EARTHLY, then no effort is necessary
1) Just do what the world tells you
2) Just do what feels right
b. But if HEAVENLY, then we must be diligent
1) To seek such wisdom from God
2) To demonstrate such wisdom by our conduct
4. What kind of wisdom do you have in regards to the gospel of Christ?
a. EARTHLY WISDOM makes no response to the gospel, or if any, only that which is convenient
b. HEAVENLY WISDOM receives the commands of the gospel joyfully and obediently – Mark 16:15-16; Acts 2:38
5. Have you demonstrated HEAVENLY WISDOM?
John 17:20-21 Causes of Denominationalism – audio
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Text: John 17:20-21.
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1. “Denominate” – to name.
2. “Denomination” – a name or designation, especially one serving to classify a set of things. A recognized autonomous branch of the Christian church.
3. There are about 20-30 major denominations in existence today.
4. Among those major groupings, there are countless sub-divisions.
5. For example: Read list of Baptist Subdivision in the United States.
6. That God is displeased with this situation is beyond doubt.
7. How did we get to this current state of affairs?
8. Some would look back to the Reformation movement of the 1500’s with Martin Luther as the start of Denominationalism.
9. While it is true that most of the modern denominations had their origins in the Reformation; it is also true that the underlying causes of denominationalism were present long before even the establishment of the church.
I. Jesus’ Disciples. Mark 9:33-38.
A. Even before the church was established there were certain “red flags” that warned of division to come.
B. Jesus’ disciples were concerned with who would be the greatest among them.
C. Pride is one of the major causes of denominationalism.
D. There always have been and always will be people who desire to have a following.
1. Paul warned the Ephesian elders of this. Acts 20:29-30.
2. Diotrephes is another example. 3 John 9.
E. Also we see in Mark 9:33-38, that the disciples demonstrated an elitist attitude.
1. There was a man casting out demons in the name of Jesus.
2. Thus, he was a true follower of Jesus or else he would not be able to do such.
3. Yet the disciples forbade him because he was not part of their little group.
4. This is much like the attitude that Diotrephes demonstrated.
5. This type of divisive attitude is also one of the causes of denominationalism.
F. Jesus’ answer?
1. Don’t seek to be great.
2. Seek to be a servant.
3. Greatness in the kingdom of Christ comes from serving others!
II. The church at Corinth. 1 Corinthians 1:11-12.
A. Spiritual immaturity is another cause of denominationalism.
B. Just like there will always be certain men who want to have followers, there will always be people who are more interested in the preacher than what is being preached.
C. Sometimes these people will denominate them selves even when their leader does not desire it.
For example, Martin Luther said, “I pray you leave my name alone and not to call yourselves Lutherans, but Christians. Who is Luther? My doctrine is not mine: I have not been crucified for any one…How does it then benefit me, a miserable bag of dust and ashes, to give my name to the children of Christ? Cease, my dear friends, to cling to these party names and distinctions; away with all of them; and let us call ourselves only Christians, after Him from whom our doctrine comes.”
1. I disagree with Luther on a lot of things but he had it exactly right in this statement!
2. Yet, his followers still call themselves Lutherans.
D. What were Paul’s instructions?
1. 1 Corinthians 1:10.
2. 1 Corinthians 1:13.
3. 1 Corinthians 3:3-4.
III. The Pharisees.
A. Mark 7:1-9.
1. The Pharisees had no respect for the authority of the Scriptures.
2. They had placed the traditions of men above the Scriptures. (v.9)
3. Jesus says that those who do this are far from God. (v.6)
4. Furthermore, He says that their worship is vain. (v.7)
B. The Bible alone will make Christians only.
1. We don’t read of Methodists, Lutherans, Baptists, Episcopalians, etc… in the Bible.
2. These names and different doctrines are the result of man’s lack of respect for the authority of the Scriptures.
3. Sometimes it is not a lack of respect for Biblical authority but is rather an incorrect view of it.
a) Some feel that anything not expressly forbidden by Scripture is authorized.
b) Time and time again we are shown that God’s silence does not authorize.
(1) Leviticus 10:1-2.
(2) 2 Samuel 7:1-7.
IV. The Galatians.
A. Galatians 1:6-9.
1. The Galatians were allowing their selves to be led astray by certain people who were perverting the Gospel of Christ.
2. Paul marveled (was amazed) that they were turning away so soon.
3. The Galatians, evidently, were either ignorant of the truth or simply didn’t care that the truth was being perverted.
a) How could they not know the truth? Weren’t they Christians?
b) The answer is yes, but even Christians, if they do not continue to study and grow, can forget the very fundamental truths upon which their salvation was built.
c) Hebrews 5:12.
d) Hence the reason Peter felt the need to constantly remind the brethren of basic, fundamental truths. 2 Peter 1:12-15.
B. Lack of knowledge, will all too often, lead to denominationalism.
1. Hosea 4:6.
2. It amazes me how many people do not even know the basic tenets of their denomination.
a) I have yet to meet a member of any denomination who tells me that they believe a little baby is born sinful.
b) But a common tenet of most denominations is the doctrine of Original Sin which teaches that very thing!
3. Many have never taken the time to find out what their church teaches much less what the Bible teaches on a given topic.
4. 1 John 4:1.
1. Denominationalism is wrong.
2. However, denominationalism is just a symptom of deeper problems which have been a constant danger to man.
a. Pride and an elitist attitude.
b. Spiritual Immaturity.
c. No respect for Biblical authority or a perverted view of such.
d. Ignorance of the truth and apathy.
3. All of these things will lead to religious division.
4. What is the answer?
5. Repent and go back to the authority – The Bible!
Delivered on: January 15, 2012. Streetsboro.
Gossip – audio
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1. I maim without killing.
2. I break hearts and ruin lives.
3. I am cruel and malicious and gather strength with age.
4. The more I am quoted, the more I am believed.
5. I flourish at every level of society.
6. My victims are helpless.
a. They cannot protect themselves against me because I have no name and no face.
b. To track me down is impossible.
c. The harder you try, the more elusive I become.
7. I’m nobody’s friend.
8. I topple governments and ruin marriages.
9. I destroy careers, cause heartache and many sleepless nights.
10. I spawn suspicion and generate grief.
11. I make innocent people cry into their pillows at night.
12. I am gossip.
A. A Definition.
1. Casual or unconstrained conversation or reports about other people, typically involving details that are not confirmed as being true.
2. Chiefly derogatory, a person who likes talking about other people’s lives.
B. Four Words. These four words give us some insight into the nature of what gossip really entails.
1. Talebearer / Whisperer.
a) Proverbs 11:13.
b) A talebearer is one who likes to reveal secrets.
c) He does this in whispers.
2. Backbiter.
a) 2 Corinthians 12:20.
b) Literally: one who speaks against or speaks back.
c) Brings with it the idea of speaking secretly about someone behind their back.
d) As a result, the one being spoken of has no opportunity to defend himself.
3. Busybody.
a) 2 Thessalonians 3:11.
(1) From a compound verb meaning to work around.
(2) In other words, to be busy in other people’s affairs.
b) 1 Peter 4:15.
(1) From two words: That which belongs to another, and overseer.
(2) So busybodies are people who think they are overseers over other people’s business.
(3) Also, notice that being a busybody is listed right along with being a murderer, thief, and evildoer.
c) Busybodies are “peeping Toms.” Always peeping into other people’s lives.
4. Slanderer.
a) 2 Timothy 3:1-3.
b) Slander – to accuse.
c) The Greek word for slanderer is “diabolos” or devil.
d) Psalm 101:5.
e) Psalm 140:11.
C. What is gossip?
1. Being busy in other people’s affairs.
2. Telling tales about others.
3. Telling these tales behind their backs.
4. Accusing others of things without giving them the chance to defend themselves.
D. An important note.
1. If you become aware of a brother or sister not behaving properly…
2. Matthew 18:15-17.
3. First go to that brother or sister and…
a) Confirm the truthfulness or untruthfulness of the facts.
b) If that brother or sister is guilty of sin, encourage them to repent.
4. If they won’t repent, take one or two witnesses with you that every word may be established.
5. If there is still no repentance, reveal it to the church.
6. This is not gossip. Gossip is speaking of others with no intention of helping them.
A. People enjoy it. Proverbs 18:8.
1. Gossip is like an all-you-can-eat buffet with a dessert bar.
2. Gossip is like a hot fudge peanut butter sundae made with chocolate peanut butter ice cream.
B. Why is gossip so tasty?
1. I am convinced that there is a part of us that likes to hear about the misdeeds / weaknesses of others because it makes us feel better about ourselves.
2. We have a bit of the Pharisee in us. Luke 18:9-12.
A. James 3:5-8.
1. Gossip is a wildfire gone out of control.
2. We may try to put it out but it has a life of it’s own.
3. It is full of deadly poison (v.8).
B. Gossip can destroy friendships. Proverbs 16:28.
C. Gossip causes division and strife. Proverbs 26:20.
D. Gossip causes fierce anger. Proverbs 25:23.
E. Often, gossip spreads falsehood. Ephesians 4:25.
F. Being a Gossip / Busybody / Talebearer / Whisperer / Backbiter will cause you to be lost. Romans 1:29-32.
A. Repent! Don’t listen to gossip.
1. Proverbs 20:19.
2. If the gossip has no one to talk to, he will cease.
3. Put a stop it by saying:
a) Brother, this sounds a lot like gossip and I can’t take part in that. Or…
b) Brother, this is serious business. Let’s go and talk to brother ____ and see if this is true.
B. Watch your tongue carefully.
1. Ephesians 4:29.
2. If our words tear people down rather than build them up, we must keep quiet.
C. Realize that you will have to give an account of all your words. Matthew 12:36-37.
D. Pray as David did: Psalm 141:3-4.
Delivered on: November 13, 2011. Streetsboro.
Confession of Sin – audio
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Text: 1 John 1:9; James 5:16.
1. The Bible tells us that we are to confess our sins.
2. 1 John 1:9.
3. James 5:16.
4. But how does this work?
a. Are we to confess our sins to a priest?
b. Are we to confess our sins publicly? If so, how often should one do this?
c. Are we to confess our sins only to God?
5. Tonight, let us consider what it means to confess our sins and how we should go about doing it.
A. Simply put, confession of sin means that one acknowledges sin in their lives. Psalm 51:3.
B. Confessing sin in our lives is the first step toward repentance.
1. Certainly, one who does not admit sin in his life will never repent of it.
2. This is a common problem. John 9:39-41
3. Without repentance, there is no forgiveness.
C. But to whom do we confess our sins?
1. Genesis 39:8-9.
2. Ultimately, all sin is against God, so obviously we must acknowledge our sins to Him. 1 John 1:9.
3. Are we to confess our sins to men?
a) Yes and No.
b) The answer to this question depends upon the nature of the sin being confessed.
c) Generally speaking, the sin needs to be confessed (acknowledged) as widely as it is known.
d) However, there is also James 5:16 to consider.
(1) This tells us that it is good to confess our faults / sins / shortcomings to one another so that we can pray for one another.
(2) There are times that all of us need the prayers of the church.
(3) Those prayers are effective.
A. Private sin is sin that is only known by you and God.
1. As such, it needs only be confessed to God.
2. It need go no further.
B. Ultimately, there is only one mediator between God and man and that is Jesus. 1 Timothy 2:5.
1. The idea of having to have a human mediator in order to deal with God is foreign to Scripture.
2. Jesus is our Mediator. As such, we can approach God through Him.
C. However, there may be times when our private sin is getting the best of us.
1. Sins like: drug addiction, alcoholism, pornography, gluttony, etc.
2. We may need to seek the prayers of the church for strength to overcome these sins and “be healed.” James 5:16.
3. Please remember though, those confessing sins need to be willing to do their part in repenting of those sins as well.
A. By “Semi-private,” I am referring to sins that are not public but that are known to at least one other than yourself.
B. Perhaps, you have sinned against a brother or a brother has sinned against you.
1. A sin such as this needs to be taken care of as widely as it is known.
2. Note Matthew 18:15-17
a) The ultimate goal is to make peace.
b) Between the brethren and if a sin has indeed been committed and it is not just a misunderstanding…
c) To make the offending brother / sister right with God.
3. Every attempt has to be made to keep this sin as private as possible. 1 Peter 4:8.
4. All too often, what happens is brethren confess their brother’s faults with us.
5. As seen from the passage above… sometimes this type of sin might become public knowledge if there is no repentance on the part of the guilty party.
C. Sometimes, we may sin against an individual who is not a member of the church.
1. In doing this we have hurt not only our influence but the influence of Christ and His church.
2. When this happens we must repent of our sin and make restitution (as much as is possible) with the one we sinned against.
A. Sometimes, our sins are committed in a very public way.
1. Perhaps our actions have brought reproach on the church.
2. Perhaps our actions have led others astray. i.e. Doing drugs and leading others to think that it is ok to do such.
B. Public sin needs to be taken care of in a public way.
1. Acts 5:1-5.
2. Galatians 2:11-14.
3. 1 Corinthians 5:1-5.
C. Public sins are also sins against the church.
1. When we sin in such a way, we must seek the church’s forgiveness.
2. The church (if it is what is should be) is all too willing to forgive, they just need to know that forgiveness is sought.
3. We offer this opportunity when we give the invitation.
Delivered on: November 13, 2011. Streetsboro.
1 Peter 05:08 Satan’s Work in the World
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Text: 1 Peter 5:8
- The Bible describes Satan as the enemy, adversary, murderer, tempter, and the wicked one – 1 Peter 5:8; Luke 22:31-32. Because Satan and those angels that followed him rebelled against God, they were cast out of their heavenly habitation – Luke 10:18; Jude 6.
- The devil and his angels have no hope of redemption. The blood that was shed in Jesus death, that washes away our sins when we believe in Jesus Christ (John 3:16), cannot save Satan and his angels. The devil and his angels have a place reserved for them – Matthew 25:41; 2 Peter 2:4.
- Since Satan, and his host of angels that followed him, will never enjoy the beauties and splendor of heaven again, Satan is determined to destroy man, doing his best to make sure heaven is not man’s eternal home.
Satan Uses Deceit and Lies to Eternally Destroy the Souls of Men and Women
- If Satan and his angels are able to convince you to believe and live a lie, instead of obeying the living truth of God’s Word, he has you captured and placed you in the bondage of sin. This will lead to your eternal damnation if you don’t turn from error to the truth – Genesis 3:1-7.
- Satan has an arsenal of weapons to deceive you with. These include covetousness (Matthew 19:16-22), lust of the flesh (2 Samuel 11, David & Bathsheba), and an unforgiving heart (Matthew 6:14-15), to just name a few. Therefore, you must take heed and become aware of the deceiving power of Satan, so that you don’t fall into sin and death – 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12.
- Satan also uses lack of Bible knowledge (Hosea 4:6) to deceive, and ultimately damn, souls. A number of people today believe aborting an unborn child, taking an innocent life, is acceptable behavior. Others contend that there is nothing wrong with fornication, or sodomy. Satan has greatly deceived many – 2 Timothy 3:13.
Satan’s Work is to Accuse Christ, and His Servants, to Turn Many from Saving Truth
- A proper name for Satan is the devil which denotes, “an accuser, a slander.” In Matthew 4:4, 7, 10, the devil tempts Jesus to sin by challenging Jesus Divinity. After each temptation Jesus directs the devil to the written Word of God.
- There will be people, led by the spirit of Satan, who will falsely accuse the character and faith of Christians. This is because it is the work of Satan to turn people from the truth – Galatians 1:6-8; Acts 13:6-10. For example, many believe the lie that the devil has espoused in the religious world, that water baptism is not necessary for your salvation – Mark 16:16.
- God loved us and sent His Son to die for the sins of the world. God raised Him from the dead, giving victory to those that obey Him, rejecting Satan, sin, and death. Why not come and be free today – John 8:36.
Salvation: Hear - Believe - Repent - Confess - Be Baptized - Live Faithfully
Salvation Comes From Obeying God’s Truth
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(Eternal salvation comes from God only by obeying the truth)
- The source of man’s eternal salvation is Jesus Christ – Hebrews 5:8-9. Since God showered His love upon us, by giving us a perfect substitute sacrifice, for ours sins – John 3:16.
- God has provided the means by which man can be saved (Grace) – Ephesians 2:4-5. But man must be willing to obey Jesus for their eternal salvation – Matthew 7:21. Obedience means that man must also continue to abide with Christ, or obey Him, to retain their eternal salvation – John 8:31-32. Don’t be deceived by Satan, you can lose your salvation, by departing from the faith and returning to disobedience – Hebrews 3:12-14; 1 Timothy 1:18-20; 1 Timothy 4:1-2.
- There is a false doctrine rooted in Calvinism, called “Perseverance Of The Saints”, that erroneously asserts the impossibility of apostasy; the unconditional security of the believer in Jesus Christ. Also called once saved always saved. Therefore, let us make sure we are abiding in the true doctrine of Christ that we might have fellowship with the Father and the Son – 2 John 9-11.
Eternal Salvation is Made Available to All by God’s Grace
- It is through God’s love and mercy that He has prepared a way, through Jesus, that all sinners might avoid the wages of sin (Death) and be saved – John 1:17. This favor bestowed upon us without merit on our part is God’s wonderful grace – 1 John 3:1.
- In Titus 2:11-14, the Bible emphatically teaches the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to everybody. This does not mean that every soul will be saved, but that all humanity has the opportunity to access the benefits of God’s grace through His divine plan of redemption (By faith) – Romans 5:1-2; Ephesians 2:8-9.
- Before one can access the blessings of God’s grace, one must be first taught of God through His Word – John 6:45. God’s grace is not dispensed apart from instruction (Teaching) and obedience of His Word (Taught religion). Once this is done, it produces faith – Romans 10:17.
Eternal Salvation is Conditional Based of Your Faithfulness
- To have eternal salvation, to be saved, you must have faith in God. Faith in God will require you to obey the works of obedience which God has commanded – James 2:17-24. If you do not do these things you will not be saved. These are condition required for salvation – Mark 16:16.
- God admonishes repeatedly to overcome all things, that we might obtain the crown of life that He, the Lord, will give us – 1 Timothy 6:12; Revelation 2:10; Revelation 3:21-22. In 2 Peter 1:5-11, it is clear a Christian must add these virtues to their faith to be fruitful (We access God’s grace through faith) and to diligently make their calling and election sure.
- If an individual disciple of Christ stops being faithful to God, they have departed from the faith – 1 Timothy 4:1. They need to repent of the sins that caused them to depart from the faith to be reconciled back to God – 1 John 1:7-9; 1 John 2:1. In Acts 8:12-13, 18-24, Simon had been baptized and erred from the truth and was then admonished to repent and pray to God for forgiveness.
Salvation: Hear - Believe - Repent - Confess - Be Baptized - Live Faithfully
Colossians 03:01-17 Conforming Your Life to Christ
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Text: Colossians 3:1-17 – Scripture Reading: Romans 6:4-14
- Conform – “to fashion, shape, outline, and contour, change one thing to bring into harmony or accordance to another.”
- If you’re a true Christian, you’re setting your eyes, mind, body, and soul on the things that are above (Spiritual, eternal) where Christ is sitting on the right hand of God – Colossians 3:1-4.
- Christians must conform to Christ, and put off their sins. Sin makes them look like and sound like, conform to, the devil instead of Jesus Christ. To conform your life to Christ, you must cut off and destroy the works of the devil which is sin – Colossians 3:5-10. When you’re in Christ, the old man of sin is dead, and a new man is raised to life with Christ – Romans 6:4-7.
Conform Your Life to Christ, the Holy Spirit Must Capture Your Mind
- You will not conform your life to Christ unless the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, convicts your mind of sin to the point where you desire to surrender all to Jesus Christ – 2 Timothy 3:16-17. Why not allow the power of the Word of God to convict you and your sin that you might change and be conformed to Christ – Hebrews 4:12.
- To conform your life to Christ, you must not disregard the guidance of God’s Holy Spirit. 1 Thessalonians 5:19 simply says, “Quench not the Spirit”. In 2 Samuel Chapter 11 David King of Israel, a man after God’s own heart, was guilty of quenching the Spirit when he committed adultery with Bathsheba, and murder her husband Uriah.
- To be conformed, shaped, or changed to Christ, you must have the mind of Jesus Christ, which is the mind to humble yourself and to serve God instead of your own ambitions – Philippians 2:5-8. Your mind needs to be renewed by Jesus Christ and not be conformed to the world. To conform to Christ, your love for yourself and the world must be diminished and eliminated – 1 John 2:15-17.
One the Holy Spirit has Engage Your Mind, You Must Take Action
- The action that you must take to conform your life to Christ involves getting ride of sins out of your life – Matthew 5:29-30. For example, if you’re accustomed to spending $40 a week playing the numbers you will need to take action to eliminate the sin of covetousness out of your life – Colossians 3:5-10. Therefore, repentance is necessary to conform your life to Christ – Luke 13:3.
- To conform your life to Christ you must separate from evil associations that will lead you away from God – 2 Corinthians 6:14-18. This is why God told Israel to not marry into foreign nations whom are idolatrous, because they will be lead away from following God (Deuteronomy 7). We can learn from Solomon because his wives lead him away from following God – 1 Kings 11:1-10.
- To conform your life to Christ there are some things that you must learn to put off, and some things to put on you so that your life can be conformed to Christ. You must put off the old man and sinful practices and put on the new man of truth and holiness – Ephesians 4:21-32.
Salvation: Hear - Believe - Repent - Confess - Be Baptized - Live Faithfully
1 Peter 02:09-10 Out of Darkness Into Light
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Text: 1 Peter 2:9-10
- There is sin everywhere and the world is lying in wickedness – 1 John 5:19. The world outside of Christ, is dead in trespasses and sins. They’re walking aimlessly in darkness toward destruction. This is why you need to step out of darkness and death and into the light of Jesus because He has made us alive through God’s grace – Ephesians 2:1-5.
- Jesus came to earth to heal the brokenhearted, to send the message of deliverance to the captives that they might be free, and to recover the sight of the blind that they would see and obey the truth of God – Acts 26:16-18. Jesus came to deliver us out of darkness in his marvelous light – 1 Peter 2:9-10.
Why Must You Step Out of Darkness?
- You must step of darkness because it will cause you to stumble and go in the wrong direction – John 11:9-10. Men and women do not have the ability to direct their own way successfully – Jeremiah 10:23. The Word will guide you – Psalm 119:105. You should step out of darkness, because in darkness, Satan blinds you and keeps you from seeing and obeying the only Truth that can save you – 2 Corinthians 4:3-4.
- It is necessary to step out of darkness because remaining in darkness will lead you to hating your brother instead of walking in the light of love – 1 John 2:9-11. Therefore, let us cast off the works of darkness – Romans 13:11-14.
- It is imperative that you step out of darkness and into light of Jesus because if you do not believe in Jesus, you will be eternally separated from God – John 8:24. In John 3:36, the Spirit of truth confirms, you will not have everlasting life with God, if you do not believe in Jesus. You will spend eternity wailing and gnashing your teeth in outer darkness, if you continue to walk in darkness – Mathew 13:40-42.
Why should You Walk into the Light of Jesus Christ?
- You should walk into the light of Jesus to get out of darkness, because Jesus came into the world to be the light of the world – John 8:12. And since Jesus is the light, those whom are unbelieving, and walking in darkness are condemned.
- Do know why people hate Christians? They hate the light because Jesus exposes who they are – John 3:18-21. In John 1:5 the Bible declares “And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehendeth it not.“
- You must step into the light of Jesus because by the power of God you can overcome sin and darkness through Jesus. In Colossians 1:12-14, the Sword of the Spirit declares God has delivered us from the power of darkness and has translated us into the kingdom of His dear Son. We must abide in Jesus so darkness will not abide in us – John 12:46.
- Therefore, let those of us that were in darkness make sure we continue to walk as children of light – Ephesians 5:8-11. If you are lost walking in darkness, why not make the decision to walk in the pathway of light, right now?
Salvation: Hear - Believe - Repent - Confess - Be Baptized - Live Faithfully
Matthew 25:31-46 Hell is Everlasting Punishment
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Text: Matthew 25:31-46
- When Jesus Christ comes back again he will judge the world, all nations, according to the things we have done in our body. This will be the great day of separation. The sheep will be separated from the goats, a few will go on the right side, many others will go to the left. A few will be rewarded with the blessings of heaven and many will endure the punishment of hell – 2 Corinthians 5:10.
- This evening we want to demonstrate that hell is a real place of everlasting punishment, even though few people view themselves as swimming in the lake of fire – Matthew 7:13-14.
Hell is Eternal Punishment for Those that Rebel Against God
- The word hell derives its meaning from the Hebrew (Ge-hinnnom), the Valley of Hinnom, which was a pit into which trash, defiled or filthy things were dumped to be burned. This became a technical term for unending torment.
- In the Bible hell is described as a place of outer darkness, the furnace of fire, the lake of fire, a place where there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth and the fire will not be quenched. There will be everlasting destruction, and everlasting punishment in this eternal punishment. Let us make sure we are not bundle up and cast into the fire – Matthew 13:24-30, 37-43 (Wheat and Tares); Matthew 13:47-51 (Net).
- Hell is not a temporary punishment were you burn in fire for a while and go to ashes. Hell’s duration is everlasting, without end which, means in hell your body will not decay from the fire because God says your worm dies not. To avoid this terrible place of punishment, there will be a number of things we must eliminate from our lives – Mark 9:43-48.
- The everlasting fire of hell was prepared for the punishment of the devil and his angels that rebelled against God – Matthew 25:41. Hell is reserved for the devil and his angels and all those that do evil – Jude 6.
- To those that are determined to be disobey, rebel, and to turn away from the truth of God’s Word, will receive their just reward of God which is separation from God in the terrible place of everlasting punishment – 1 Corinthians 6:9-10; Revelation 21:8.
- If you want to avoid this terrible place you need to have spiritual surgery, and cut out those things that are in your life that are evil and displeasing in the sight of God – Matthew 18:7-9.
- Those that labor endlessly in the body of Christ should take comfort in knowing God will give comfort and rest to them that die in the Lord – Revelation 14:13. But those that do not know God, and obey the gospel of Christ will be punished in hell – 2 Thessalonians 1:7-9.
Salvation: Hear - Believe - Repent - Confess - Be Baptized - Live Faithfully
Luke 10:25-37 Do You Love Your Neighbor?
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Text: Luke 10:25-37
- In Matthew 22:34-40 the Bible declares that a lawyer asked Jesus, which is the great commandment in the law? Jesus replied that loving God with all your being is the greatest commandment along with loving your neighbor as yourself.
- God has showed His love to us by offering His Son Jesus as the atonement price to remove our sins. Cannot we as Christians reciprocate this love to others, and love our neighbors? – Matthew 7:12.
To Love People, Remove Deference and Indifference
- To love God and your neighbour, we must not show partiality to others, such as your country of origin, skin color, gender, occupation, or religious affiliation – James 2:8-9
- In Luke 10:30-32, the Priest and the Levite, who were spiritual men and served God under the old law, passed the man who had been attached by thieves on the other side, and showed no love to this neighbor in need. Instead, they showed indifference and lack of caring. How many times have we done the same?
- In Luke 10:33-37, the Spirit of truth teaches that a certain Samaritan in his journey saw the same man, had compassion on him, and went the extra mile of the way to make sure he was taken care of properly. What was the difference between the “spiritual men”, the Priest and the Levite, and the Samaritan? Caring and a demonstration of love for someone in need.
- Therefore, let us be encouraged to Love God, and Love our neighbors, that the world may learn of the Love of Christ that can save their souls – John 13:34-35.
Salvation: Hear - Believe - Repent - Confess - Be Baptized - Live Faithfully
1 Peter 04:17-19 What Shall Be The End of Them?
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(What shall be the end of them that obey not the gospel of God?)
Text: Peter 4:17-19
- In 1 Peter 4:17-18, the Bible teaches judgment must begin at the House of God, and if it begins at the church, what shall be the end of them that obey not the gospel of Christ? Where shall the ungodly & sinner appear, if the righteous are scarcely saved? 2 Thessalonians 1:7-9
- This means, Christians friends, to pass the great judgment bar and enter in God’s eternal kingdom, you must be prepared and be willing to endure sufferings in the flesh and in your life, as Christ suffered in the flesh for us – 1 Peter 4:1-2; 1 Peter 4:12-13.
- Members of the church must be willing to go through the fire of the sufferings, persecutions, sacrifices, and heartaches of being Christ disciple and being tried, and come out as pure gold – Matthew 5:10-12; Revelations 2:9-11.
Jesus is Coming Back Again to Judge the Quick and the Dead
- Jesus was crucified and He died. God, with His power, raised Him from the dead, and Jesus ascended back in heaven. The Bible reveals to us that the same manner in which He was taken up, He will also return – Acts 1:9-11; John 14:1-3.
- Jesus is coming back again for the purpose of judging the world – 2 Corinthains 5:10. The standard of our accountability will be the Word of God – John 12:48. When Jesus comes back in judgment, there will be a great separation into either eternal blessing with God, or eternal punishment, separated from God which will be based on our works – Matthew 13:47-51.
- In Revelation 20:11-15, John sees a vision of the great white throne, where the small & great are standing before God to be judged (The books), the dead came from the sea, along with the souls in Hades to be judged according to their works. Those not found in the book of Life were cast into the lake of fire.
Sober, Watchful and Prayerful Living is Required
- Since judgment begins at God’s house, we must be sober, and watchful unto prayer – 1 Peter 4:7. Therefore, let us be mindful and watchful of the temptations Satan sets before us, so that we will always be ready, because the Son of man will come in an hour we do not expect – Matthew 24:36-44.
- We must not be forgetful to show love towards each other – 1 Peter 4:8-11. And let us make sure we keep God’s will first in our lives – Matthew 6:33.
- Let us be sure to devote our lives in serving the Creator no matter the circumstances whether their good, bad, indifferent, so we will be ready for judgment when it comes – 1 Peter 4:19.
Salvation: Hear - Believe - Repent - Confess - Be Baptized - Live Faithfully
James 01:12-15 Endure Temptation to Obtain a Crown of Life
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Text: James 1:12-15
- A temptation is a trial or test which may involve a struggle, hardships, and difficulties with a beneficial purpose and effect – Hebrews 11:17-19. If we endure through the many temptations that will come to them that love God, we will receive a great reward of God – James 1:12.
- The mark of a true servant of God is when God has enough confidence in you, to ask the devil to consider you to try/tempt, to see how much you really love God. The mature Christian will be able to endure and come out of the fire of temptation as pure gold – Job 1:1,8.
- Satan will present many trials, test, and temptations to the Christian trying to break down his faith and loyalty to God, so that he will lose his eternal reward of heaven. Christian friend don’t let anything separate from God – Romans 8:35-39. You must be watchful because the devil will come through the front door, back door, the window, friends, family, relationships, or at any of your weakness – 1 Peter 5:6-9.
To Endure Temptation You Must Learn to Trust God
- It is a joy for Christians to have the opportunity to suffer reproach by our adversary – James 1:2-4. Temptations will help us grow stronger in God’s love, so that we might be able to lay hold of that beautiful eternal home God has promised us. Did not Peter grow from his adversity of denying Christ 3 times (Matthew 26:31-35, 69-75). Let fight the fight, and finish the race God has set before ud that we might obtain the crown of righteousness – 2 Timothy 4:7-8.
- It is imperative to learn to trust and rely on God’s Word for your guidance and direction in life because following your flesh and your own desires will lead you to your own destruction – Proverbs 3:5-8.
- To endure temptations you must be rooted and grounded in the Word of God. It will be more difficult for Satan to overcome you, if you always reply with “What Thus Saith The Lord?” – James 4:7. Any situation that you find yourself in, you should be able to apply and implement what God has said in your life – Colossians 3:16. Unfortunately the problem with many is that they’re not rooted and grounded in the truth of God – Colossians 2:6-8.
Don’t Allow Your Own Lusts to Draw You Away from God
- The Word of God teaches that you’re tempted, when you’re drawn away from what God says in His Holy Word, to fulfill what your own lusts and fleshly desires want. When your own fleshly desires [entice or allure] override or dominate what God says, you will commit sin which will lead to death – James 1:14-15.
- To overcome and endure trails, we need to be aware of our own lusts and weaknesses, and be willing to do something about it. This means we need to get rid of sins that will destroy us – Hebrews 12:1-2. It’s time you turn off the sources of your enticement to sin – Mark 9:43-48.
- If your working towards becoming mature in Christ, why not make the decision this evening to devote your life to Jesus – Revelation 2:10.
Salvation: Hear - Believe - Repent - Confess - Be Baptized - Live Faithfully
John 13:01-17 Are You Service God or Self?
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Text: John 13:1-17
- It must be determined, who’s the master, and who’s the servant? A master is one that has the ownership and authority over another – Matthew 28:18-20. Our heavenly Father, the great I AM, the one that has created us & owns all things including our souls is our master! The mark of a master is one that teaches and leads by example and action.
- It is an error in judgment, for a man or woman to conceive themselves as a master, the one that is in control. Pharaoh, the King of Egypt thought he was in control until he was confronted with the God of Israel – Exodus 5:2.
- A servant is one who expresses submission, and service to another. A servant is a sheep that follows and obeys the shepherd. You and I, God’s special creation, need to serve Him completely instead of our own desires – Psalm 100:1-5.
Being a Servant is not Belittling or Shameful
- It is commonly taught in our society that being a servant, or under the authority of another, is not desired because it restricts your freedom, and is viewed to be lowly and degrading. This is the same thought Peter had when Jesus came to wash his feet – John 13:8. Jesus came down from heaven to serve man by sacrificing His life that we might live – Matthew 20:20-28. [The mother of James and John asked Jesus to set them on His right and left hand]
- Being a servant to God in any capacity is a great blessing – Ecclesiastes 9:10. Why does the world shun being submissive to the one in authority in the family, in the church, or your employer? Why not just obey God and serve Him – Colossians 3:17-25.
- Instead of being selfish and stepping on everybody else, trying to get to the place you want to be in life, why not find ways to help one another out, so that we can all enter the gates of heaven together – John 13:12-15.
Your Mind Must Turn from Selfish Interests to God’s Ways
- To be an obedient servant of the Lord you must transform, alter, and change the way you think, behave, and live in such a way that your intellect, body and soul will become just like the mind of Jesus Christ our Lord – Romans 12:1-2. The Apostle Peter learned this – John 13:4-9.
- To be a servant of the Lord you must be willing to remove all forms of selfishness from your life. You must decide whom you will serve, God or man – Matthew 6:24. Jesus teaches if you want to save your lives, you must be will to lose it. In other word you must deny self – Matthew 16:24-26.
Are you serving God, or are you serving yourself?
Why not give up self, and submit yourself to God and serve Him with joy. Jesus is extending His arms of love to you today why not come?
Salvation: Hear - Believe - Repent - Confess - Be Baptized - Live Faithfully
1 Corinthians 12:12-13 The Singularity of the Church
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Text: 1 Corinthians 12:12-13; Ephesians 1:21-23
- In our English speaking society, the word church hasn’t been adequately defined or used correctly. Many use the word incorrectly. For example, according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the #1 definition for church, is “a building for public and especially Christian worship.” However, if you study the word church/assembly in its’ original Greek (Ekklesia) ek = “out of” and klesis = “a calling.” The church are people that have been called out of this world to be added to Christ’s body for deliverance of their sins – 1 Peter 2:9. [The called – Romans 8:28; 1 Corinthians 1:1-2].
- In 1 Corinthians 12:12-13, God describes the body of Jesus, the church of Christ as being one on four occasions in these two verses. Therefore, within the body of Christ (Church) there is unity, there is oneness, among the members of the one body – Ephesians 4:1-6. In 1 Corinthians 1:10, Paul pleads with the brethren with the church at Corinth to be of one mind. [Demoninations are not members of the body of Christ] – Matthew 15:13-14].
- The singularity of the church means, it’s the only one, you have no other choices, if you want to be saved from the penalty of sin, you must be baptized in Christ – Acts 4:12.
There is Only One Builder, One Purchaser, One Head of The Church
- In Matthew 16:13-19, we learn Jesus told Peter I will build my church. Jesus is the builder of His church. Jesus laid the foundation of His church – 1 Corinthians 3:11. “Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it…” Psalm 127:1. Therefore, you must make sure the builder of the church you belong to is Jesus Christ.
- Jesus built the church, but He also purchased the church with the blood He shed on the cross to take away our sins of the world. In Acts 20:28, Paul urges the Ephesian elders to feed the flock of God which He purchased with His own blood. You must understand Jesus paid the mortgage of His church (Your sins), He paid the redemptive price which was His precious blood that has the power to save you – 1 Peter 1:18-19; Revelation 1:5-6.
- In Ephesians 1:21-23, the Bible teaches God has put Jesus Christ to be head over all things to the church. In Colossians 1:18, Jesus is described as the head of the body, the church. In Ephesians 5:23, God teaches us the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church.
There is Only One Way, One Truth and One Church That Will Save You
- In John 14:6, Jesus clearly states that I am the way, the truth, and the life, and no one can get to the Father except by me. Interestingly many are refusing to be added to the body of Christ, because the way of salvation is a narrow way – Matthew 7:13-14. Don’t follow your own way because it will lead to your destruction – Proverbs 14:12.
- There is only one truth. It is the Word of God – John 17:17. In John 1:17, we learn grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. The truth brings us the message of salvation in Jesus and His church.
- If you want to be delivered from the consequences of sin, you only have one choice, Jesus and His Church. Just like in the days of Noah, the people had one way of salvation, and that was the one ark Noah built that saved his family. Today the ark of salvation is the one church Jesus built. Why not answer God’s call to become on of His saints?
Salvation: Hear - Believe - Repent - Confess - Be Baptized - Live Faithfully
Have You Surrendered All To Jesus?
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- To surrender, to submit, or to be subject to, means: to yield your will, power, or control, to the will or authority of another. The Bible teaches us to be subject:
– Church subject to Christ – Ephesians 5:24
– Higher powers / government – Romans 13:1-2
– Masters (Employer) – 1 Peter 2:18
– Wife subject to their own husbands – Colossians 3:18
– Christians to the shepherds of the flock – Hebrews 13:17
The world views submission to God as a weakness, but Jesus shows us and the Bible teaches it’s a strength – Matthew 26:39. - There are a number of things that can prevent one from surrendering all to Jesus, such as covetousness, greed, materialism, pride, and selfishness. In our society, one device in Satan’s arsenal to prevent one from surrendering all to Jesus is “radical feminism”, which attacks the institutions of God, marriage, and the church.
- When a person decides to obey the gospel of Jesus Christ, they have resolved to yield or surrender their life to Jesus in every way. A person who thinks he can only give a very small part to the Lord, and the rest to the world or family, has not learned the meaning of “surrendering to God” – Joshua 24:15; Matthew 6:24. When you have been washed in the blood of Jesus, you have surrendered your life with Jesus Christ on the cross – Galations 2:20.
You Must Surrender Your Personal Affections to Jesus
- The things that are of great value to you, which are precious in your sight, such as family, education, accomplishments, career, clothes, and entertainment, you must surrender to Jesus, if you want eternal life – Matthew 19:16-22.
- To surrender all to Jesus, you must be willing to forsake all worldly pleasures (Hebrews 11:24-25 “Moses”). Because in James 4:4, the Word of God teaches, the friendship with the world is enmity with God. To be a friend of the world is to be an enemy of God.
- In order for you to surrender all to God, your love and devotion to God must be greater and superior than your love for your personal desires, and interests. Are you willing to surrender all to Jesus to become His disciple? Luke 14:25-27, 33.
Are You Ready to Surrender Your Life to Jesus?
- There are a number of people doing good things in this life. However they have not surrendered their life to Jesus, and are lost. In Romans 10:1-3, Paul’s earnest desire and prayer for Israel is that they might be saved, because they had a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge. They established their own righteousness and ignored God righteousness.
- How many of you are willing and ready to offer your body, talents, time, and resources as a living sacrifice to God? Paul beseeched the brethren to surrender their lives to Jesus as a living sacrifice – Romans 12:1. If you really love God, you will surrender your life to Him – John 14:15; John 15:14.
- Jesus died on the cruel rugged cross and God raised Him to life that you might live. If you have not surrendered your life to Jesus, why not come obeying Jesus today?
Salvation: Hear - Believe - Repent - Confess - Be Baptized - Live Faithfully
Take Heed Unto Thyself And The Doctrine
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- As a Christian, it should be your earnest desire to be able to enter in the everlasting Kingdom of our Father in heaven. In order to do this, it is important to look at yourself in relationship to the Word of God. Because it is possible that some of us might miss heaven.
- Let us focus on a passage of scripture in 1 Timothy 4:16, where Timothy is admonished to take heed to himself and the doctrine that he might save himself and those that hear him.
You Must Take Heed Unto Yourself
- In Romans 12:3, we are taught not to think of ourselves more highly than we ought to think. Anytime we place ourselves or exalt ourselves to a place where God has not placed us, we will find ourselves in trouble with God – Proverbs 16:18.
- In Numbers chapter 12, two prominent Israelites, Aaron and Miriam attempted to exalt themselves over Moses as prophet but God punished them [Numbers 16; Numbers 26:9-11 Korah].
- We must take heed to ourselves, because oftentimes self will prevent one from having a right relationship with God. Did not self get in the way of Peter’s relationship with Jesus? – Matthew 16:21-24; Luke 14:26-27.
- We must also take heed to ourselves and make sure we are not spotted by the evil, filthy, and profane influences of this world that Satan presents as harmless. In James 1:27, we are reminded of what pure religion is.
You Must Take Heed Unto The Doctrine
- It is also important to take heed to the doctrine of Christ. What is doctrine? Doctrine is the body of authoritative teachings of God, found in the New Testament (Salvation, Worship, Organization, Personal Responsibilities) – 2 Timothy 3:16-17.
- You must understand that the doctrine of Christ is exclusive, meaning that no other doctrines or teachings from other sources are acceptable to God – Galatians 1:6-8. This is why Christians are instructed to mark and avoid those that are causing divisions by teaching false doctrine – Romans 16:17-18.
- In (Jude 3-5), Jude admonishes the church to earnestly contend for the faith.
- Did you know, if you’re transgressing and abiding not in the doctrine of Christ, you hath not God and you have no relationship with God? – 2 John 9-10.
- As we take heed to ourselves and to the doctrine of Christ, let us not forget to make sure we continue in the Word of God and to serve Him faithfully to the end – Acts 2:42; Acts 14:22; James 1:25
- Therefore, let us be encouraged to take heed to ourselves and to the doctrine and continue in them that we may save ourselves and those that hear us.